History of the Land-Grant Legacy Scholars Program
The Land-Grant Legacy Scholars (LGLS) Program was conceived in Spring 2017, out of the work of the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) and the Office of Undergraduate Education, to fulfill the University’s land-grant mission and live out our commitment to Minnesota residents and support access for Greater Minnesota students.
Former University of Minnesota President, Eric Kaler, was a part of the announcement back in 2017. He stated, “The Land-Grant Legacy Scholarship is a continuation of our commitment to keep Minnesota’s best and brightest students in the state. Minnesota is a net exporter of college-bound talent and as our state's only public, land-grant, research institution, the University has a special obligation to educate Minnesota students.”
CFANS brings science-driven innovators together to discover hands-on solutions to global challenges. CFANS offers unparalleled experiential learning opportunities for students throughout the state and around the globe. The college offers 13 undergraduate majors and one pre-major. These majors cover a broad range of topics including science, education, business, conservation biology, natural resource management, health, and technology. CFANS students enter career fields with some of the best job outlooks in the country.
About the St. Paul Campus
CFANS is the only University of Minnesota college that resides exclusively on the beautiful and pastoral St. Paul campus, just a short ride or drive from our Minneapolis campus. Neighboring the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, the St. Paul campus offers easy access to high-tech and high-touch research in our laboratories and research fields. The campus has its own residence hall and a gym, and is now home to the new Bell Museum of Natural History and planetarium. Students love the open green spaces and tight-knit communities within departments and student groups.